About Our Multimedia Course

Since 2015, We have brought to the table Multimedia to students between middle and high school, to teach them the industry from some of the most talented people in the DMV area.

The Multimedia is a class that focuses on the how to of a full video production of some of your favorite movie and TV productions with some of the most creative minds we have to offer. Focusing on all the stages of production, the different rolls and positions that make your favorite films possible. As well as we also focus on the photography aspect of multimedia, talking about how to frame, light and photo editing in all different applications at the same time teaching the ways of making their photos intriguing.

Being a “hands on” course, students will get a better feel of what its like to create the projects you see in theaters and television, as well as online media and magazines. Students will also understand the process and equipment. Working on the Adobe Creative Cloud platform and using audio, visual, and graphics equipment, students will produce the knowledge to direct, shoot, and create their own projects on the multimedia platform